Sunday, July 26, 2009

A Resurrected Hard Drive.

I recently cracked open a corrupted hard drive which I lost close to a year ago and recovered all the files from my last year of college through my first year in New York. At that time, I had no real concept of composition aperture, shutter, etc... I kinda just walked around and asked people if I could take their portrait.

Its exciting but also a bit frustrating to find that the work looks (in my opinion) quite good and really nothing like the stuff I've done this past year- there is something to be said of just pointing and shooting and waiting for film to develop... homeless man in West Village.
Clara at Bates.
G stop in Greenpoint.
Sybil smoking at my old place in Greenpoint.
A ticket in Virginia.
Mason in Charlottesville.
Mom and Mason at Revolutionary Soup in Charlottesville.
Saint at Mom's in Afton.
Man in Central Park.
Family in Greenpoint.
Baby in Mcgolrick Park.
Homeless man in Mcgolrick Park.
Obama rally in Hartford.

Molly at Bates.
Man in Mcgolrick Park.
Lyssa in Brooklyn (she may have taken this- we can't remember).
Dad and Cheryl in Brooklyn.
Mason in Virginia Beach.
Thanksgiving at mom's (molly took this).
A comedy show in Manhattan.

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