Say what you want about the direction of the following video but I was pleased to find it because it illustrates perfectly the ongoing evolution of web-usage videos. When I chat with magazines about the cost of a simple video the numbers can be daunting simply because it costs as much (sometimes more) than a MOB spread. "Web-usage" as a licensing variable is traditionally the cheapest thing available to magazines and advertisers. If the usage is so cheap this traditionally means the content must be cheap to create. BUT, if you can self publish content and attract as many viewers as traditional advertising in magazines and broadcast what's the difference? Firstly, you need decent (not cheap) content.
As companies like Time Warner, HBO, ESPN...etc provide online based subscriptions, blanket "web usage" buyouts for content will become a thing of the past. The line between "web" and "broadcast" is disappearing and so are the cost structures associated with them. This is good news for people with cameras because as "TV People" start taking the web seriously, the flood gates open...
PRO-Keds Spring 2011 Lookbook from PRO Keds on Vimeo.
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